879 research outputs found

    Barium alginate capsules for 3D immobilisation of living cells: morphology, membrane properties and permeability

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    Encapsulation in a barium alginate membrane is a promising strategy to obtain a three dimensional culture of living cells: membrane properties are crucial for a realistic clinical application. A one-step encapsulation technique, recently developed for controlled release of boar semen, was employed to prepare barium alginate and protamine-alginate membranes: permeability to two model molecules (haemoglobin and glucose) was evaluated. Capsules were evaluated for technological properties and scanning electron microscopy was used to examine the external morphology of the capsules and the 3D distribution of the cells within the core. The results indicate that 3D arrangement and cell shape are maintained, capsule dimensions and mechanical properties can be modulated, as well as their permeability to model molecules such as haemoglobin and glucose

    Intense beam of metastable Muonium

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    Precision spectroscopy of the Muonium Lamb shift and fine structure requires a robust source of 2S Muonium. To date, the beam-foil technique is the only demonstrated method for creating such a beam in vacuum. Previous experiments using this technique were statistics limited, and new measurements would benefit tremendously from the efficient 2S production at a low energy muon (<20<20 keV) facility. Such a source of abundant low energy μ+\mathrm{\mu^+} has only become available in recent years, e.g. at the Low-Energy Muon beamline at the Paul Scherrer Institute. Using this source, we report on the successful creation of an intense, directed beam of metastable Muonium. We find that even though the theoretical Muonium fraction is maximal in the low energy range of 252-5 keV, scattering by the foil and transport characteristics of the beamline favor slightly higher μ+\mathrm{\mu^+} energies of 7107-10 keV. We estimate that an event detection rate of a few events per second for a future Lamb shift measurement is feasible, enabling an increase in precision by two orders of magnitude over previous determinations

    5'-deiodinase activity and circulating thyronines in lactating cows.

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    To investigate the correlation between lactation and thyroid hormone metabolism, the authors studied concentrations of total and free thyroxine (T4 and fT4), triiodothyronine (T3 and fT3), and reverse triiodothyronine (rT3) in plasma and milk, as well as liver and mammary gland 5'-deiodinase (5'D) activity in dry, early, middle, and late lactating dairy cows. Cows in early lactation show lower plasma levels of T4 and rT3 than dry, middle, and late lactating animals, whereas T3 shows the lowest plasma levels in the dry period; free T4 and T3 show a similar pattern. In early lactation there is a clear decrease in liver 5'D associated with a notable increase in mammary 5'D. Concentrations of T4 and T3 in milk drop significantly in the first few days after delivery, whereas rT3 increases up to the fourth month. The findings suggest a relationship between the hypothyroid status of lactating cows and the rearrangement of organ-specific 5'-deiodinase activity related to the maintenance of the udder's function

    Litiasis recidivante en cachorro Schnauzer miniatura. Reporte de un caso

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    La formación de cálculos urinarios es un problema clínico importante en perros. Existendiferencias en la tendencia de presentar litiasis entre diversas razas. Se presenta un casode litiasis recidivante en un cachorro, macho, Schnauzer miniatura, que a los dos mesesde edad presentó hematuria y disuria por obstrucción de vías urinarias asociada aetiología litiásica. El cachorro expulsó urolitos en dos ocasiones, a los tres y siete mesesde edad. El análisis morfológico de estos cálculos mostró que el primero estaba formadopor Carbapatita (fosfato de calcio carbonatado cristalizado) correspondiente al tipomorfológico IVa1 y los cálculos del segundo episodio presentaban una combinación deltipo IVa1 + IIa, este último tipo morfológico formado por Weddellita (oxalato de calciodihidratado). Los análisis de orina mostraron pH 6 a 7,5, con bacterias y cristales defosfato triple en dos muestras y de oxalato de calcio en una muestra del total de seisanalizadas. Se administró antibióticos para controlar infecciones urinarias en ambosepisodios litiásicos. El manejo nutricional consistió en alimentación con balanceadoespecial para perros con litiasis desde los 2 hasta los 7 meses de edad. Luego delsegundo episodio litiásico se evitaron los balanceados y se alimentó al cachorro con pollohervido y verduras. Desde la instauración del nuevo régimen nutricional, hace ya más deun año, no se han observado cristales en las muestras de orina, ni se refieren síntomasurinarios en el cachorro hasta la fecha